Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Identity of the Famechon and Mérode Regiments, and other things

Came across which appaears to be a good resource for the French, soI had a search for the two French regiments I can't find a lot on, and came up with:


Became the Régiment du Saint-Mauris in 1761(via other name-changes), which gives us a flag of brown/black/black/brown according to, and grey coats faced red with brass buttons and a black/black/black/black flag according to


A bit trickier. The PDF above says it became the régiment de Tournon in October 1690, and was disbanded in 1698. However, it still seems to have been around for the Camisard uprising according to, which has the first poster referring to 'Agenois (Tournon)'. Going to, we have this as the colour:

But this Rigo plate (taken from an eBay auction, of all places) disagrees:

as does the plate, which seems to replace Rigo's blue with red:

So I dunno. tends to disagree with other sources to varying extents, but I have no idea what is more correct. Regarding the top picture, I'm trying to have a few more pictures in my posts so here's a random image from the Vinkhuijzen Collection

Also, while looking this up I came across this:

which would indicate that the Dillon regiment originally wore blue and that their colour was red and blue, which confuses things further (if I am reading it correctly)

1690 in London

Came across a couple relevant-ish items in London:

1. 'The Market Place and the Grote Kerk at Haarlem' by Gerrit Berckheyde (dated 1679) in the National Gallery contains this rather martial-looking figure in the bottom-left who is presumably an officer. Very short sleeves notable

EDIT: A Mr. Rampjarr, from the 'Anno Domini 1672' blog at kindly informs me that the date of the painting is in fact 1674.

2. A very nice model of a regiment of foot in 1685 in the National Army Museum, with five companies (R-L): grenadiers, musketeers with flag of St. George's cross edged white on a blue field with small JR cypher in centre (I think, it was very small) as the flag, musketeers with flag the same, nothing in centre, musketeers with flag as the previous, long yellow pile in top-left corner, musketeers with flag as previous, piles as before in all corners, starting from corners closest to St. George's cross. All red lined blue, silver buttons

This doesn't tally to any known regiments, incidentally, but was nice to see

Friday, 25 December 2009

Dronningens Livregiment Colour

Descrption given in Sapherson is described as speculative, but tallies closely-ish with the plate of this regiment's colour in "TheDanish Army 1675-79" from, so I've taken that design and given it the different colours and details as per Sapherson

Gardet til Fods Colours

Taken down, research pending

Colonel Clifford Walton (4)

Diagrams & Royal Warrants

Label for the second down got chopped off, it's King James' regiments in Ireland

Colonel Clifford Walton (3)

Miscellaneous references (all comments the Colonel's, references to grey coats faced black/grey &c. are to surtouts, this also applies to the post below)

Lord George Hamilton's Regiment; Hats, with broad silver lace for Officers; hatband (evidently ribbon only from price) buttons and loops. 1691

The coat was of much the same make for both cavalry and infantry, except that the skirts of the former were more full than those of the latter. Horse soldiers used to be furnished with a doublet of stout buff to wear under the coat until this was superseded by the cloth waistcoat, a change which took place in 1686. It would seem, however, that even as late as 1696 it was customary for Horse soldiers on active service to wear buff coats. In Rochester Cathedral are preserved Dragoon buff coats of James II's reign.

Sandford, 1685, says that the Life Guards had buff coats besides their scarlet coats.

Schedule of clothing to 3rd Dragoon Guards. 14 January 1691/2 (Treasury State Papers) "Grey waistcoats."

The coats of Drummers of regiments other than Royal regiments, were of the colour of the regimental facing and with red facings. Hautbois, who were later subject to a similar rule, had their coats at this time of the same colour as those of the men.

Sandford, 1685; Horse Grenadiers; scarlet coats, loops blue, edged and tufted black and white

Schedule of clothing to 3rd Dragoon Guards 14 January 1691/2; (Treasury State Papers) "coats crimson lined with green," and "cloaks red faced with green."

Particulars of Clothing for a regt. of Horse, Dragoons and Foot; (1696) for Horse "coats of crimson cloth," but "cloaks of red cloth";
Dragoons, cloaks for all ranks ; but for the Foot no cloaks or surtouts are mentioned.

In 1692 the 5th Dragoon Guards wore breeches of red shag striped. Dragoons wore cloth breeches.

Dragoons wore neither jacked-boots like the Horse, nor shoes like the Foot, but a sort of short boot (termed in French bottines).

Trumpeters and drummers of Horse and of Dragoons wore shoes with spurs instead of boots.

The Life Guards, for instance, wore gold and silver lace in the ranks, and the carbine belts of the privates were covered with velvet and lace. The Blues again were distinguished by gold lace, and by a red edging on their carbine belts.

In 1683 the corporals in the Foot-Guards carried pole-axes, but generally corporals assumed the ordinary arms of the privates, and were distinguished from them by nothing beyond the narrow lace binding on their coats.

5/9 December 1689, Hautboy of Lisbume's Foot, in a "blue cloth coat, laced with "narrow gold lace."

7/1 1 August 1690, Hautlboy of 10th Foot, in a "blue coat lined with red with a "narrow silver edging down the seams."

27/30 March 1692, Drummer of 13th Foot, with a "yellow laced coat on lined with red (being the regimental colours reversed).

17/20 September 1694, Serjeant in Northcote's Dragoons " with a crimson (instead of red) coat, faced with green, had silver lace down the seams, and brass buttons.

About the year 1686 a general undress or fatigue coat was authorised for all arms, of grey cloth or frieze and made close-bodied; and generally these coats had facings of some such suitable colour as black or some shade of grey.

The cavalry, whether Horse or Dragoons, always had loose cloaks with small capes to them ; with scarcely an excep- tion these were. of scarlet or red cloth (even though the coats might be of crimson), and were often faced with the regimental colour, but equally often were only turned up with cloth of the same colour as the cloak itself The most notable exceptions were the Earl of Macclesfield's Horse, who had their cloaks of grey the colour of the regimental facing, and the Blues whose cloaks were blue as well as their coats.

At what period precisely company Colours were abandoned I have not yet been able to determine to my own satisfaction: it was certainly not earlier than 1689, and the change appears to have been effected in 1690, the Guards remaining an exception to the rule.

Hamilton ; Actions of the Inniskilling men, London, 1690: - 1689, Battle of Newtown-Butler, "we took what colours they (the Irish) had they having but about three colours to every regiment ": thus it appears that it was customaiy to have more.

Thus also the Fourth Foot obtained, in a less glorious manner, the honour of the title of the "King's Own " Regiment, and the privilege of wearing on its colours and accoutrements the Lion of England, because it was the earliest to join William of Orange on his landing in England in 1688.

...Thus the regiments of the Duke of York as well as of Prince George of Denmark wore the Stuart colours of red and yellow. Thus, also, the facings of the Eleventh Foot were tawny, being the distinguishing colour of their first Colonel the Duke of Beaufort. In 1667 Lord Chesterfield raised a regiment of Foot in ten days, and he tells us that he gave the soldiers red coats lined with black and
"black flags with a red cross in a black field, which I then did, because I was at thtat time in mourning for my mother."

Colonel Clifford Walton (2)

All the relevant London Gazette extracts:

London Gazette 6/9 August; Prince George of Denmark's Foot, Privates' hats "laced with "a broad gold-coloured lace."

London Gazette 13/17 August 1689; Lisburne's Foot, private's hat laced "with gilt " lace.

London Gazette 27/30 August 1691; Atkins's Foot, private's hat "black edged with white."

London Gazette, 25/28 July 1689; 15th Foot private's Granadeer 's cap edged "with white, with the King's cypher."

London Gazette 30 June/4 July 1687; 1st Dragoon Guards "a white Holland waistcoat"

London Gazette 22/25 August 1687; 10th Foot; coats blue, loops red and white.

London Gazette 24/28 October 1689; Monmouth's Foot; coat grey, faced blue, loops red.

London Gazette 10/13 February and 17/20 February 1689/90; Cutts's Foot; coats red, lined dove colour, loops black and white.

London Gazette 16/20 September 1686, 1st Foot Gds.; deserters, some in grey coats faced with black velvet.

London Gazette 23/26 April 1688; 9th Foot; deserters, coats "grey lined with black."

London Gazette 27/31 January 1686/7; 3rd Dragoons; deserters, "grey coat, sleeves "faced with black."

London Gazette 18/31 August 1690; 7th Dragoon Guards; deserter with red coat and over this "a grey coat with black buttons."

London Gazette 13/17 June, 1689; Lisbume's Foot, deserter in his uniform buff- coloured coat, and "with a red cloth surtout."

London Gazette 25/28 November 1689 and 17/20 February 1689/90; Cutts's Foot; deserters in red coats lined and faced Isabella, and red surtouts faced ditto. A red coat lined with Isabella-coloured baize, and red surtout faced with same, with black and white looping ; another "with all his mounting except the surtout."

London Gazette 1/4 September and 22/25 September 1690; 1st Ft. Guards; deserters with "red loose coats over " their other coats; and "in red coats" both having upper red "coats over them."

London Gazette 24/28 November 1687; Anne of Denmark's Horse; deserter with " coat red lined yellow," but "cloak red faced red."

London Gazette 11/15 April 1695 and 34/28 March 1698; Macclesfield's Horse; deserters with "coats red lined grey" but "grey cloaks."

London Gazette 2/6 June 1692 and 17/20 June, 1700; 5th Dragoon Guards; ''waistcoats of striped stuff," and "white waistcoats."

London Gazette 17/20 June 1700; 5th Dragoon Guards; deserter with "coat red lined white," but "cloak red lined red."

London Gazette 21/24 April 1684; the Blue ; deserter with "tawny-coloured breeches."

London Gazette 9/13 June 1687 ; Prince George of Denmark's Regiment; a red coat with "an old yellow coat under it"; (The regt. had worn yellow coats in 1685).

Colonel Clifford Walton (1)

The relevant extracts from the chapters dealing with the war in Ireland up to the Boyne, from Colonel Clifford Walton's 'A History of the Uniforms of the British Army 1660-1700' (references at end where applicable)

*It may interest some readers to know that the uniform of "Lord Galmoy's Regiment of Horse in Ireland" consisted of "light grey coats, brass buttons and lined red." "a black hat laced with galoon and a buff shoulder-belt; the arms, carbine, pistols and sword." "Some of the horses were grey." Londonderry Gazette 27. April 1688: 52

*Regular Irish establishment troops (Jacobite):

Tyrconnell's, Russell's, Galmoy's (Horse)
An un-named dragoon regiment
MacCarthy's, Clancarty's, Newton's (Foot) 52

Montjoy's Foot split, "the Protestants under Colonel Lundy and Major Gustavus Hamilton joined the garrison of Londonderry." 52

*"All the regular troops siding with James were well armed and equipped" 53

Jacobite levies "far from perfectly equipped" 53

*No Williamite regulars in Ireland save for "six out of the thirteen companies of Mountjoy's Regiment" 53

*Three Regiments of Foot were subsequently embodied out of the Derry men, namely Mitchelburne's, White's and St. John's." True and exact account of the Regiments of Horse and Foot in the Service of King William and Queen Mary, and also an account of the Irish forces under the late King James, &c. Lisburn, 26. May, 1690 54

*They [people fleeing French pillagers elsewhere in Ireland] met together [in Inniskilling], elected officers and formed themselves into a stong body of Horse with an adjunct of Foot. Gustavus Hamilton, lately of Mountjoy's, became Colonel, and Thomas Lloyd Lieutenant-Colonel. Such was the origin of that still choice Regiment the Inniskilling Dragoons which was draughted from amoung those troops after the battle of Newton-Butler [31. July 1689], and was then placed under the command of Sir Albert Cunningham. Captain Wynne of the Ninth Foot was sent down from Londonderry to embody another Regiment of Dragoons and this... was equally famous as the Fifth Royal Irish Dragoons." 55

*"The minority of the Sixth [Dragoons] were originally from Donegal" 55

*"Owsley's Horse" was the third of the cavalry Regiments raised at Inniskilling. True and exact account... 55

*"The efforts of the brave Inniskilling men did not stop here. They presently organsied three Regiments of Infantry, of which a representative survived in Colonel Zacharias Tiffin's corps, now the Twenty-Seventh Inniskilling Regiment." "The three Inniskilling infantry Regiments were Tiffin's, Gustavus Hamilton's, and Lord George Hamilton's (or Colonel Lloyd's)" History of the Wars in Ireland by an Officer in the Royal Army, London 1689 55

*"Shortly before the final relief of Derry, Colonel Wolseley... was sent to assume command of all the Inniskilling forces, and to regiment and brigade them." 56

*"The Twenty-Seventh, led by Colonel Tiffin [in 1689]." 59

*Many of the regiments [raised by William in England] consisted of troops so raw that they were not even in uniform, while some had not yet been furnished with their arms." Schomberg's despatch 3. March 1690 62

*Schomberg signed his name 'Schonberg' and "his seat on horseback was the envy of every cavalry officer" 62

*Reference to "Colonel Maxwell" 63

*"The Inniskilling Horse and Fifth and Sixth Inniskilling Dragoons" described as "volunteer irregulars, some on big horses, some on small, some furnished out with a very fair imitation of a regular trooper's equipments, others with nothing military but their arms; some had holsters, while others carried their pistols stuck into their belts; and the majority of the privates had their servants riding up behind on small ponies called 'garrons.'" Schomberg's despatch 20. August 1689 66

*When they [the 27th] had reduced a body of James' troops to surrender at Belturbet in June they made it an especial condition that the enemy should surrender all the 'red coats' they had: and they obtained on that occasion enough red coats to clothe two companies; but when they got their new uniform from england it turned out to be grey." 66

*"The uniform of the Inniskilling Dragoons was also probably grey in 1691; it was at all events apparently peculiar, for Sir Albert Conyngham, asking for the clothing at Belfast, writes 'for I think no-one else will desire them being the livery of "my regiment"'" 66 Conyngham to Clarke 16. March 1691

*"When at Dundalk in September/October 1689, there was a skirmish between the Irish outposts and an English outpost consisting of 300 men of the Twenty-Seventh Foot, 'every man [of the 27th] stripped off his coat so that instead of a grey regiment they appeared in white, being their usual way of fighting.'" 66 True and impartial account...

*"To crown all, [Schomberg's] army was without shoes for men or horses, and was even insufficiently clothed." Schomberg's despatches 3. & 8. October, 26. December 1689 72

* "In the last year of the reign of Charles the Second the independent companies with which Ireland was at that time garrisoned were regimented. All the regiments then formed either clung to King James on the Revolution or else (with a single exception [the 18th]) were disbanded by William. 78

*The Twentieth, Twenty-Second, Twenty-Third and Twenty-Fourth (as well as the Nineteenth) had all been raised since the arrival of William in England." 79

*"The Twenty-Fourth['s] uniform was blue." 79

*"The Seventh Dragoon Guards... [appear] to have been, for the first year of [its] existence [1688], clothed in blue." 79

*"Drogheda's... uniform was the same as that of the Twenty-Third." 79

*"Lisburne's men... wore blue coats and orange or dark buff facings." 79

*"Lord Kingston's... red" 79

*"Ingoldsby's... wore blue coats and red stockings" 79

*"Rosscommon's... wore red coats" 79

*"The Duke of Bolton's wore blue." 79


20th - Exeter
23rd - Wales and bordering counties
24th - Shropshire
7th DGs - Derbyshire
Lisburne's - "Principally from Herefordshire"
Kingston's - Warwickshire
Ingoldsby's - Staffordshire
Rosscommon's - Wiltshire
Drogheda's - Wales

*Confidential inspection reports made at the review at Dundalk, 28. October 1689:

"Kirke's (2nd Foot), men pretty fine, but very badly clothed, many sick; Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, and some of the Captains ''assez bons officiers, mais les subalternes ne sont pas des messieurs, et beaucoup de jeunes gens.'

Beaumont's (8th Foot), Major very assiduous, but the Lt-Col. neglects the regiment; pretty well clothed.

Stewart's (9th Foot), Colonel good, but his officers not of the best.

Hanmer's (11th Foot), very badly clothed.

Wharton's (12th Foot), good Colonel, well clothed, has sent into Scotland for surtouts: but much bad company, and debauchery, and drinking.

Meath's (18th Foot), best regiment in all the army, both as regards clothing and good order, and the officers generally good. The soldiers being all of this province, the campaign is not so hard on them as on others.

Bellasyse's (22nd Foot), hardly any good Officers, and an entire absence of good order, clothing not good; but Brigr. Bellasyse expected to work reforms.

Herbert's (23rd Foot), Colonel very assiduous, but too easy to the Officers, who are the most negligent that can be imagined. Often he is the only Officer present with the regiment, which he never quits; yet the regiment is in a bad condition; clothing good, but arms almost useless.

Dering's (24th Foot), regiment has fine men and fairly clothed: but, except the Major (Ramsay) the rest of the Officers 'n'est pas grand chose,' and know nothing of their Companies, which is the case in many other regiments: the Colonel dead and his brother, next in command, always absent from the regiment.

Lloyd's Inniskillingers, and Tiffin's (27th ditto), men fine, but not clothed, and without swords, as are the great part of the English regiments: officers good fellows, but with no experience.

Ingoldsby's, Colonel ill, and as incapable as are almost all the other Officers, who are usually absent and are so greedy of money that the soldiers can scarce get paid; very badly clothed, and without shirts; as bad a regiment as possible, except Drogheda's which is worse.

The regiments are not complete, and yet the Commissary passed them as complete only five days ago." 79-80

*"Schomberg had spent the winter [1689-90] in restoring health and discipline to his shattered forces. Five regiments were broken up to recruit the rest." These being "Drogheda; Ingoldsby's; Zauchy's; Rosscommon's; and Hamilton's [the un-numbered Hamilton's, I assume]. But Drogheda's and Hamilton's can have been only partly so as they shared in the subsequent campaign." 84

*"Sir John Lanier, Colonel of the First Dragoon Guards." 85

*"With difficulty did James obtain from France a contingent of seven thousand three hundred men thouroughly armed and equipped, and even for these he had to send back in excahnge an equal number of Irishmen." 88

*"The Irish officers were all natives, differing little from the soldiers." King James II Autiobiography 88

*"The Fifth and Sixth Foot" Accompanied William in 1688 from Holland

*"Count Maynard Schomberg" 106

*"The writer describes the Danes as 'well disciplined, well clothed, arms bright as silver, all firelocks and cuttock boxes, their colour green lined red, blue lined red, and blue lined white, grey lined blue, and every man a cloak or such a coat as the Dutch Guards wear, and you shall not see a man with a hole in any part of his clothing: those I see of the Horse are white lined white and buff waistcoats.'" Letter from Belfast, 13. March 1690 107

*"The soldiers of the two armies were dressed so much alike that it was found necessary to adopt some emblems of distinction; every English soldier wore a green twig in his hat; while James's people were distinguished by white cockades." 108

*"The Dutchmen walked into the water ten abreast" 111

*"The on-rushing wave of Irish cavalry shattered itself against this immoveable rock bristling with seventeen-foot pikes [of Cutts']." 116

*"Cutts's Regt. was subsequently disbanded: its uniform was red, with Isabella[sort of yellowish-grey]-coloured facings and linings and breeches, and with loops of black and white for the Granadeers." Londonderry Gazette 1689-90 116